What is Real Estate Law?
Real estate law is basically a branch of law of property and it is the branch of
law by which most of the disputes regarding law of property are settled. When
it comes to real estate it refers to existence
of immovables such as land, estate, apartments, buildings and houses.Some
certain definitions and descriptions come to the forefront within the scope of real estate law
and they constitute the foundation of this branch of law.
What is Real Estate Attorney?
As we have already mentioned it is advised thatthose who face with any real estate lawsuit within the scope of real estate law should definitely consult with
a real estate attorney . As there is no obligation to
have an attorney in any lawsuit, there is no obligation
to have an attorneyin real estate lawsuits. But getting
in contact with a real estate attorney prior to lawsuit process would help to prevent vexed problems and
nuisances because real estate lawis definitely a branch of law
which is composed of fine details and exceptions. It is also possible to say
that one of the most common lawsuits seen in our country isreal estate lawsuits. Therefore seeking an expert real
estate attorneyis of great importance in our country. If we look at its basic
definition we can say that real
estate attorneysareattorneys who are
experts in the field of real estate law. Attorneys specialized in this field are
responsible for all kinds of lawsuits originating from real estate, estate,
land or housing being in the first place. Among
the most common lawsuits within the framework of real estate law are title deed registration and cancellation cases. When it comes to title deed
registration cases, it becomes very
important to work with a real estate attorney specialized in this field because even the
simplest misplead might lead to losing the case. Real
estate attorneys step in precisely at this point to guide and consult their
clients and minimize and remove possible mistakes during the proceedings. In
addition to all these, real estate and property cases require longer
proceedings in comparison with other lawsuits. For this reason, it is very
important to have an expert to follow every single development during the
Among the lawsuits that real estate lawyers deal withwe can mention lawsuits for
mortgage disputes being in the first place, lawsuits based on all kinds of
disputes, lawsuits to recover properties, expropriation
cases, elimination of joint ownership cases, title deed cancellation and
registration cases, rental determination cases and eviction cases . In addition to these among the service of real estate attorneysthere are many real estate law
contracts such as rental contracts, mortgage contracts, construction servitude
contracts, construction contracts, building management contracts, project
management contracts and shopping center management contracts.
Place and Importance of Property Law within Real Estate Law
Real estate law or alias
housing law, includesthe parts of real estate law
regarding housings. When it comes to property law it is actually possible to say
that it has the same qualities and definitions with real estate law. Within the scope of property law many consultancy services like consultancy in real estate,
property and housing are provided along with attorneyship services. These
services include audit and preparation of bargain and sale contracts,
determination of real estate suitable for economic state and demand, real
estate financing consultancy in general sense, appraisal services, preliminary
contracts for sale of real estate and legal status reporting. However services
such as audit and preparation of rental contracts, consultancy on disputes
arising from property ownership law, legislation follow up, investigation and
assessment of legal and financial status of real estates and title deed
transactions are also assessed and performed within the scope of property
Keeping tabs on laws and regulations determined within the frame of real estate law legislation is in the field of interest and duty of real estate law attorneys. The
laws determined in real estate legislation are detailed and itemized within the
framework of sub-titles such as Turkish Civil Code, Zoning Law, Settlement Law
and Municipal Law. Real Estate Tax Law is also one of these sub-titles. The
Real Estate Tax Law, which is explained in article 27 of the real estate
legislation, was adopted on 29.07.1970 with law no. 1319. Article 1 of the said
law states that "Buildings within the boundaries of Turkey are subject to
building tax pursuant to provisions of this law." At the beginning of our
article, we mentioned that the real estate law includes way too exceptions.
Again, in accordance with Article 2 in Section 1 of Real Estate Tax Law
floating docks, tents and mobile houses fastened upon vehicles are not regarded
as housing and this is one of the most appropriate examples of these
· - Concept of Immovable
and Cadastres
· - Cadastral Forest and
2B Lawsuits
· - Expropriation Lawsuits
· - Mortgage System and
Legal Regulations
· - Amendments in Property
Ownership Law and Collective Buildings
· - Limited Real Rights
(Build-Operate-Transfer Model)
· - Foreigners' Right to
Acquire Immovables
· - Time Share Vacation
· - Foundation Immovables
· - Zoning Problems